The Red Pill

vendredi 9 février 2018

With all the talk going on about female 'exploitation,' I thought I'd mention a fascinating and mind-blowing documentary about gender politics. With the power of global media and the utility of political correctness, this is an issue that will continue to shape society more than any other for generations to come. The power play between genders has rightly been called 'The Longest War' by feminists.

'The Red Pill' is by a former feminist called Cassie Jaye, who started out to make an attack piece about 'A Voice For Men' and, instead, found herself becoming an apostate to all she once believed.

It's fascinating to see her wake up to the reality of her own brainwashing and the truth of male disposability, a reality so ingrained by thousands of years of traditions that most men and almost all women never see it. It is also fascinating to see the sheer numbers of women joining against feminism. Most of all, the true inequalities men face in society, some ancient and meekly accepted by men, some as more recent feminist initiatives.

We have an incredible inversion of truth happening right now, with men possessing a fraction of the rights of women and facing daily bias throughout society from the courts to the media. Men literally are second-class citizens across a broad spectrum and yet feminism continues to spread the lie that women are 'oppressed' in the West while they craftily construct a gyno-centrist society whose ultimate aim is to eliminate men. Quite literally.

There's a million facets to the truth of this but I'd strongly recommend watching The Red Pill ( which the Fems had banned from Netflix and around the world as a 'hate' video -amazing ) which can be found on Putlocker. Having watched it over a year ago, I was led down a rabbit home into an entirely new a much larger reality reality and truth. ( hence the name 'The Red Pill,' which any fan of 'The Matrix' will grasp the reference to ) I have now thrown away many of my old conceits as to where gender power truly exists in western society. In fact, I was basically PauLo and KOW before I watched documentaries like this and then took the time to learn much more. I hope some BBS'ers might take an equal interest and make up their own minds. It's a subject well worth some scrutiny.

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