Accommodation advice needed - East Croydon area

jeudi 22 février 2018

I am supervising a lad at work, aged about 23, who has recently moved to East Croydon area for work. He has zero ties to the local area though, with all his social and family links in the North and Midlands. He is a Sheffield Wednesday fan but a polite, good-natured lad.

I 'supervise' at arms length because I am actually a contractor myself based 50 miles away, so we only meet face to face every 2 or 3 weeks, when we mostly talk footy and maybe catch up a bit on work.

Every time we meet he seems more and more down and I can't really blame him. Totally out my hands, our employer is making all permanent staff like him re-apply for his own job. He has only been in the job 4 months and now risks a pay cut or losing it all together. Almost all the other employees are girls who clique together very much.

What's more he is in a house-share near East Croydon which also sounds pretty awful. All the occupants are at least 10 years older, don't speak good English and don't pay any household bills - meaning they are facing being cut off by utilities. This is also stressing him out.

He wants to move asap, but I don't know what to suggest. I am a bit out of touch with Croydon these days. Does anyone know of a decent block of studio flats/bed-sits? Something where he could have his own toilet/shower and his own bills, but where there are also lots of younger professionals like himself, which would basically be more of a laugh for someone new to the area in his shoes?

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