Murdered MP's hubby goes from Hero to Zero in Mail on Sunday confession - More Deafen

lundi 19 février 2018

This is the second in a fairly regular series of 'Big News Items' which have mysteriously received nary a whimper of comment from the Liberal elite on this here BBS, so which you may have missed.

Slain socialist Labour MP Jo Cox's widower, Brendan Cox, who became not only his wife's most outspoken advocate after her murder, but also a virulent EU Referendum Remoaner, has admitted he has been a sex pest and assaulted and threatened women, in a full interview with right-leaning tabloid newspaper, 'The Mail On Sunday', a paid-for independent British newspaper which is reviled to the point of apoplexy by many on this here BBS.

Perhaps the combination of the story being published in one of the BBS' most despised independent, paid-for British newspapers, and one of this country's most successful - enormously more so than The Grauniad, The Obs, the non-printed Independent, or any Mirror Group organ - and the facts about Brendan Cox being indisputable by virtue of being a full confession, has led to another outbreak of soclib elite Omerta on this here BBS.

After all it must be painful to read of one of one's very own being a homegrown Harvey Weistein in his own right, lurching and thrusting himself on women at the Save The Children charity where he was nepotistically employed, and demanding to f*** them.

Not only was he able to leave his Save The Children job without blemish on his character, rather like the Oxfam Belgian paedo-pimp in Haiti, he has stepped down from the 2 charidees he himself set up in the wake of his wife's murder.

And it has emerged that he himself was most likely not selected to inherit Jo Cox's safe Labour seat as MP for Spenley and Batt because Labour big wigs knew all about his Weinsteinian propensities. Indeed it is suggested that even his saintly wife Jo knew and possibly tolerated his multi-couplings with female victims during their short marriage.

So, bye-bye former hero Brendan Cox, and welcome to the modern day monsters' Gallery of rogues and brutes - at least we don't have to listen to your insufferable left-wing rantings anymore.

Perhaps there will be a ripple-like effect on this here BBS.

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