Plumbing Query - Flexi Filling Loop

mercredi 6 décembre 2017

Hi All,

Today was sat at home and heard a pop from the kitchen, went in there and had water gushing everywhere from a burst on the flexible hose thing that connects the water supply to the boiler via the filling loop.

Managed to turn off the water at the mains after a couple of minutes as Thames have just fitted a water meter so for some reason I now have two stopcocks, one above the meter and one below (should they have installed it this way?). The damage wasn't too bad but a fair bit leaked down to the flat below.

I bought a new flexi and fitted it myself, turned the water back on and everything seems ok but am now really paranoid that it might happen again and it would be a disaster if I hadn't been at home, I've never seen so much water from a 2 minute leak and if it happened when I'd been out no one might have gotten to it for hours.

Have been googling and came across something called a 'Flood Stop Isolating Valve' and wondered if anyone knew if something like this would stop any future leak if the flexi hose failed again? Also would it be something I could install myself or should I pay to have a plumber install it and how much would that cost?



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