Question about AC adapters (interchangeability)

mercredi 27 décembre 2017

I have a new appliance which takes 6 AAA batteries, or it can use an overpriced AC adapter. I don't happen to have that many AAA batteries, but the house is crawling in AC adapters.

My question: how interchangeable are AC adapters? What is the critical constraint?

When I look at the official one it specifies an output of 9v, 1.6A, 14.4W.

I'm assuming the voltage is pretty critical and I've got a couple that output 9v, but they say only 300mA or 600mA on them (and nothing about Watts, but that's a function of current and voltage anyway).

Is it reasonable to assume that anything that specifies 9v and anything <=1.6A will be ok?

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