Time to update how penalties are awarded.

dimanche 24 décembre 2017

We have the ridiculous situation where week after week the main talking point on MOTD seems to be penalties.

This season we have the crackdown on simulation where the player gets a penalty by diving. but really this doesnt imo go far enough. What we need is not more draconian punishment for simulation but a re-evaluation of what a penalty is.

Some of the pundits continually trot out the "there was contact so it was a penalty" line.

I think it's time the decision is made on "did the defender impede the attacker". This would mean where there is contact but the attacker has started falling before contact then it's not a penalty. It also would mean where the attacker deliberately makes contact with the defender ie by sticking his leg out to make contact, this would not be a penalty.

In my opinion neither RLC or Dele Ali should have been awarded pens this week.

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