How would you rate your health and lifestyle..

vendredi 20 octobre 2017

Sean Hughes and the terrible passing of our friend Chocky got me think about mortality.

We can go anytime - even if we are taking care of ourselves. But we can take steps to reduce the risk I suppose. How is your personal checklist. I rate mine as average TBH

Smoking - BAD Yes, and a little too much.

Drinking - GOOD I enjoy, but nothing like the 30 pints a week plus wine back in London.

Exercise - GOOD I think. I dont have an exercise program. But I walk everywhere, everyday, and I walk up and downstairs all day. Looking to add a bit of swimming and tennis into the mix.

Food - AVERAGE. Solid and fresh. Probably not the 5 portions though. Too much meat and coffee. Hardly any butter or salt.

Condition - GOOD. No illnesses, no medication.

Stress - GOOD

Family history - both my father and grandfather died at 65. Will I outlive that.

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