Your famous person anecdotes

mardi 31 octobre 2017

Come on, we all love to hear them.

Can be as mundane, ludicrous, salacious or damn right weird as you wish. Could be first hand or passed on from a friend.

A couple to get started...

The night we won promotion in '89 I ended up at the Crystals nightclub to celebrate with mates when to my surprise a load of the Palace team actually turned up too to join in the celebrations. Had a great night chatting with some of the lads, who were all worse for wear. Geoff Thomas was hilarious - he actually had missed the last half of the season with a hernia. Was talking to him about it when suddenly he says, 'do ya wanna see me scar?'. Before I could even answer him he'd whipped his trousers down and lowered his pants to show me while laughing his head off. Northerners! :D

Back in the early 80's a female friend of mine who was about 10 at the time was hanging out at an Edinburgh theatre. Her dad was working on lighting there at the time. Anyway, Rolf Harris turned up and she was introduced to him. He proceeded to theatrically kiss her several times right up both arms. She thought nothing of it at the time; just thought it was a bit of a joke and was just chuffed that such a famous name had shown interest in her. Obviously time has shone a different light on his actions.

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