What cost West ham - an alternative view

dimanche 29 octobre 2017

Much has been made in the media of Joe Hart being upset about his team mate being unprofessional, and that's what cost them the win.

I would like to suggest an alternative. West ham players had already tried to go in the corner twice at least and had lost possession. So maybe it's not quite the guaranteed way to kill the game that Hart thinks.

However my main point is that the amount of time added on was due to the West ham players "professional" rolling around on the ground trying to waste time. hart himself feigned injury and had to have the trainer on (to eat up a bit more time). The fourth official was going to signal 5 minutes but changed it to 6 because a west ham player (hart i think) was getting treatment.If they hadn't feigned injury then only 5 minutes would have been signalled in which case Palace wouldn't have had time to score. The amount of time added for that injury was probably greater than it actually took. If i believed in karma that would be karma - trying to waste time meant that more time was added on!

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