Light Phobias

jeudi 26 octobre 2017

Unlike others I don't have any of the normal phobias - as in spiders, heights, water etc..

I consider I have some quirky little phobias - things that make me uncomfortable.

I'll save people the trouble of posting with the first one.

1) Adults that take a packed lunch to work when they don't need to. :lux:

2) Contrived, large group, work social situations. Office party, gift presentations and the like. I find myself socially awkward in these situation and generally can't wait to slink away.

3) Eating in social situations. Strange one this - even for a weirdo like me. I love going to a restaurant with the wife or even my small family group. But I am not a fan AT ALL of mixing eating with drinking. It is a Chilean social thing, and I have too much Blighty in me. A drinking session should be just that for me.

Many years of six pints and a takeaway on the way home or sometimes finishing with a curry after the six pints. Even then, let's be fair, if the pubs stayed open after 11pm we would just carry on drinking - usually. I dont even really like my supping and conversation getting interruprted by someone waving a burnt sausage in my face at a BBQ.

In Santiago, I go out for a few beers at happy hour time, and the first pint is on the table and some Chilean friends are already looking at the menu. I can understand that if you have women in the group. But, personally, I would like two or three pints in me before craving for a slice of pizza. I may like my beer a bit too much, but to me the food order signals that the evening as already started coming to an end for these lightweights - 1 beer, food, another beer and they are making excuses to catch the metro. I get home and the wife says 'Oh I thought you were out for a session (as in permission slip)' .... 'Yeah, me too.'

I have British teeth as well. And I have a phobia about not remembering to pick the ugly residue out.

4) More serious I think - I have never learnt to drive. It is something that most people do when they are 16-20. It is very likely that I will die without ever learning this.

5) Anything practical - not good at plumbing, putting down floors, decorating, EVEN getting a barbecue started. I have never kicked up a barbecue. I had better just shoot myself on the first day of the apocalypse.

And yous, what are your mini-phobias?

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