Hats off...

mercredi 25 octobre 2017

or On.

If I had one of those Mayweather mansions, or even a little bit of a crib with a 1 special closet for me, I would have a closet just for hats.

I am saddened to read comments like - hats are for tossers/freaks - the Brits used to love their hats. When you see an old photo of men in bowlers, top hats, or a huge football crowd all wearing flat caps, it is great.

I love the hats (and suits) of the 30s and 40s. I love my Panana hat, and even a beret or a Pablo Neruda.

When did it become the done thing to not only not wear hats, but to ridicule those that do?

Who else likes their hats?

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