We're taken advantage of as fans

mercredi 25 octobre 2017

Seems like every season there is some kind of shambles with our club on or off the pitch, but the club knows that despite any mess we may end up in, us fans will always fill Selhurst, pay for season tickets and follow the team up and down the country.

The club takes advantage of this by getting the players to mention our support at any opportunity and using us as a means of papering over the cracks in the mess we continue to support.

Personally I didn't go last night and I'm very glad I didn't, but at a minimum I think the fans that did go should be refunded or possibly have their tickets paid for for the FA Cup 3rd round.

In the long term however, when is enough, enough? It's great we stick together whenever we're in the shit but at what point do we stop showing support and make it clear that things need to change?

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