Do you know need to pay to support Palace?!

lundi 19 septembre 2016

So due to work commitments I can no longer get a season ticket.

I have however decided to spend the money instead this season on going to a few more 'obscure' away games at grounds ive not done before. Everton, Hull and Stoke being my initial thoughts.

So 3 of us (all in similar positions) decide to book to go to Everton. Phone up to get tickets, and turns out apparently we need to spend £25 or £55 on a memberships. When I asked why, lady said it was to prove to I was a Palace fan. I said I have over 3000 loyalty points. Her response was it was now policy 'members only for away tickets too'. So decided to leave it.

I assumed she must have got something wrong - so have just checked online and yes, even the likes of Sunderland (where we sold under 500 tickets) is members only.

I totally get it for the likes the more popular away games like Arsenal. But making it members only for these others game that will not sell out is just pure greed from the club.

Anyway, wont be going now and thanks to the policy the away end will have less support for the team.

Is it me or is this totally bonkers from the club?

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