02 bundles and crapperoonie

mardi 27 septembre 2016

Stoopid techie question cos I'm a luddite.

My cheap phone had a beer bath the other day- so I had to buy a new one for a tenner, which I bunged a tenner credit on.

I sent one text then got a message saying they had taken the rest of my credit and turned it into some bundle- giving me 1000 text messages, so and so minutes etc.

Its PAYG, but it says I have to use it buy the 26th October.

My only question is that I wasn't even given the choice that I wanted this, don't just take my ******* credit without asking..

I realise that its better value mind as if you just topped up, it wouldn't give you a 1000 texts- so i'm being a moany old ****.

but every time i send a text it sends me a text saying I have no credit, which is rather annoying.

Maybe i should stop being such a cheap bastard and get a decent phone..

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