CPU Fan Error

lundi 19 septembre 2016

Can anyone offer any advice with a PC problem I'm having please?

I have a PC that I got from Palicomp around 2-3 years ago. Lately on boot up, I've been occasionally getting a warning that says "CPU fan error". When this happens, the PC will make a series of beeps and go straight into the BIOS.

When this happens, the fan speed will initially come up with "n/a", and then soon after (around 5 seconds) come up with a speed reading. Once that happens the PC works fine. I had a look inside yesterday and all seems to be OK. The fan isn't clogged with dust and I made sure that the power cord was plugged in properly.

At the moment it doesn't seem like anything untoward is happening other than the error message - no freezing, no warnings about temperature or anything like that. I obviously don't want to disable the message in case I do have an issue later on. The fan seems to be working fine so I'm not sure buying a new one will solve the problem either.

Can anyone suggest a remedy?

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