How many Palace Generations in your family?

mercredi 11 novembre 2015

I have got 4 Generations in my family with hopefully more to add –

1. My Granddad – Horace Streeter – supported Palace from around 1930. He actually played a few games for Palace during the Second World War years. I have tried to find some memorabilia of this but would appear to have been lost in time.
2. My dad and all my uncles were Palace supporters from around 1940 through to the 80’s or as they passed away. My uncle Jack was a turnstile operator for years and years at the top of the Holmesdale and was responsible for letting all the kids in for free by jumping over the turnstiles. I bet many of you will remember this.
3. My first Palace game was around 1964. I wish I could remember the game but I can’t. I think the other team were in white and blue hoop shirts so possibly QPR. I can remember watching the game from the front of the Holmesdale with my cousin and then having a cup of hot Bovril at half time with my dad and uncles at the top corner of the Holmesdale. Many many memories and am still a season ticket holder in the Holmesdale.
4. 4th Generation is my son. His 1st game was around 1992. I can recall Ian Wright was still with us. Dan has got Palace well and truly in his blood and has and still is a season ticket holder in the Holmesdale.
5. Over to you Dan!!!!:p

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