Childhood sayings

mercredi 25 novembre 2015

My 9 year old and his mates have started uttering the word 'safety' whenever unleashing a 'silent but violent' fart on an unsuspecting public. This unlocked a memory which had been buried in the recess of my mind for 30 to 35 years, in that we at school used to do exactly the same thing but I had completely forgotten about it.

We also had the classic 'Jimmy Hill' used as an expression of incredulity whenever someone was exaggerating their achievements or status. Often bastardised to 'Jim Jim' or 'Chinny reck-on' and of course always accompanied with frantic stroking of the chin.

Blue Peter brought us 'Joey Deacon' or just 'Joey' along with various grunting noises whenever someone was being a bit thick. Offensive and unacceptable behaviour but sadly it was common practice back then and the teachers and parents really only made half hearted efforts to stamp it out.

What others might I have forgotten about?

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