History Stories every school leaver should know

vendredi 27 novembre 2015

Youth is wasted on the young.

As a lover of history, there are some stories that are truly staggering, terrifying, uplifting, and amazing. Regardless of whether they currently learn them or not, What are the top 10 history stories you think kids should learn ?

for starters,

1. The annihilation of the Buffalo herd and the wholesale theft of the mid-west from Native American indians.
2. The Opium Wars
3. First Civilisation in Mesopotamia
4. The shift from Agrarian Feudal to Industrial Capitalism.
5. The reformation and religious wars in Europe.
6. Hitler, Nazi's, WW2
7. The irish Potato Famine
8. 1066 and all that
9. The Rise and Fall of Rome
10. The Peasants Revolt

what history stories would you include ?

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