How long will Leicester's luck run for?

dimanche 1 novembre 2015

It is extraordinary, watching from the outside ...

Yes, of course you warrant your own luck bla bla bla, but they certainly have had a guardian angel over them since the back end of last season.

Keep waiting for itself to even out, but it doesn't. If they're 2-0 down, they ALWAYS come back to 3-2.

But they should have lost yesterday, were getting a solid battle against West Brom and, but for a few terrible decisions from the officials, including allowing Mahrez's 2nd goal to stand, would have lost.

Take Mahrez and Vardy out the side and they'd probably be bottom 3.

Good luck to them for their spirit, but you can huff and puff in games and not get anything, but it seems EVERYTHING they do, they get the luck to go with it, god knows how many last minute goals etc. Yet they have the luck not to concede too.

If it sounds like sour grapes, it probably is :D

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