Help with an Intel iMac 20" that won't boot :(

jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Any Mac users with experience of getting things fixed?

I have an Intel iMac 2.4Ghz 4Gb/250 20" which I bought from the Applestore around 2008.

Tonight, it won't boot up. The screen comes on and displays the Apple logo. The 'spinning wheel' below the Apple logo rotates continuously and nothing else happens. I've tried a few things that I googled from my MacBook laptop, but no success. I've tried resetting the PRAM, and resetting the PMC. Tried to run Disk Utility in Recovery Mode. Basically, nothing works. I just keep getting the spinning wheel under the Apple logo when I start up.

I even found an OSX DVD that I bought to update the OS, but I can't work out how to start from that - the DVD is currently in the DVD drive, but the Mac won't start from it, it seems to want to start from the internal HD and ignores the DVD.

I'm guessing it may need an engineer to look at it. I've had good service from the AppleStore in Regent Street before. But as the machine is around 7 years old, will they still service it? And then there's the problem of lugging it up there and back.

Does anyone know a good company/person to fix it in or near Brockley, SE4?

I'm hoping to get it fixed fairly quickly and without spending too much :)

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