Airwaves Extreme (gum issues)

dimanche 8 novembre 2015

If any of you are fans of Airwaves gum, I hardly need to tell you of the refreshing delights they bestow on your mouthcave, or the menthol cloud that rises up around your face and makes your eyes smart. Delicious! So it was with excitement and a little fear that I tried Airwaves Extreme. I needn't have worried, let me tell you - they pack a real punch, and their toxic minty mist actually managed to sear the lining of my pallet, as well as bleach my nose hairs from the inside of my face out. No other gum comes close.

But there is a problem, and it is this: if you have anything else in your mouth, even just a few semi digested crumbs of Eccles cake, or a few spongified flakes of popcorn, or a fleck of residual biscuit crust, once you crunch down on the hard casing of the gum pellet, the vicious gunge mixes with whatever else is in your mouth and immediately reacts to form a hateful glue, and then starts expanding out over your lips, burning them and reacting with the air to flake and turn grey. When you try to wipe it off it gets worse, and starts to blacken, spreading over your chin, and you look like some kind of gurning leprous miner.

Has anyone else had this problem and what shall we do?

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