question for the legal Bbs minds..

mercredi 15 juillet 2015

Guy I work with shares a flat with someone who has physically attacked him and has made it clear he is trying to force him out.. The guy who did the attacking was owed money by my workmate and grabbed him by the throat to demand it back ..he has payed him what he owes but still feels threatened by him .. The attacker has since started some work in the kitchen and has left it unusable but my friend is literally too scared to raise the issue .. The attacker has history of violence and has served time for it and also has the ear of the landlord as he is doing the work for nothing.. T Guy is also leaving his washing in the machine preventing my friend from using it.. turns the heating on and leaves it on all night .. any ideas chaps ?.. he is petrified of this man and is at his wits end ...

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