Recap of the Summer for those Uninformed

mercredi 29 juillet 2015

I'm still new to being a fan of Palace.

Full Disclosure: I was totally shocked today to find out the season starts a week from Saturday. No longer do i just have to sit around for the NFL season to start.

I figure there have to be a lot more casual fans out there like myself.

I've checked the forums a few times, read about some of the signings, and kept waiting for Dwight Gayle to sign with another club. But it hasn't happened yet!

So I wanted to start a thread for the uninformed. In big picture, what's different from last year? What do you think the goal is?

I think we shoot for a spot in Europe. Aiming for the top half of the league isn't lofty enough.

And what is a good website to see the stats for the preseason games?

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