A sad passing

mercredi 29 juillet 2015

Today I discovered that the young Daughter of a friend of mine has died. She was 35 and has young children.

She used to play with my own daughter when they were young and it really makes you realise just how lucky you are. They are the same age.

It appears that on Saturday she banged her head. In the early hours of Monday morning she was rushed into hospital but she was declared brain dead and had her life support switched off yesterday.

This is why the emergency services put such great care into protecting necks and heads and asking several questions when a head injury is involved.

Sadly it appears there was no indication that she had a bleed so she never attended A and E. She may have had a headache which she suffered with and never said anything.

I suppose the reason for this post is to make you aware that you should keep an eye on anyone that you know has banged their head and if you bang your head yourself then go to A and E if you get any symptoms.

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