Kiwi looking for support to help realise her dying dad's wish to watch Palace at home

jeudi 19 février 2015

A apologise if I've posted this in the wrong place or if I shouldn't. Please note I'm in no way connected to this other than as another Brit who now lives in NZ. I'm just passing this message on to give it a bit more visibility.

Give a little - kiwi raising funds to help her a terminally ill father realise final wishes is to return to UK and to a final Crystal Palace football game at their home ground.

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>My father Paul Morriss is a father of three and a grandfather of 6 and another on the way. He has worked for the Otago Polytechnic, Taieri Print and various other places in Dunedin and has been a long time member of the Taieri Rotary Club. He has always been the hard working man, the teaching man, the family man and the man who would give you the shirt off his back. Hes not a smoker, hes not a heavy drinker, hes always been fit and active but yet now at age 58 he has been dealt the roughest hand and been diagnosed with terminal cancer. His time is quite limited due to the aggressiveness of the various cancers throughout his body. One of my dads final wishes is to return to his birthplace England to go to a Crystal Palace football game at their home ground, spend some time with his son, daughter in-law and their two young boys, his brother and his elderly parents and say his final goodbyes to them all. So if you would like to do something to help him, me, his parents, his brother, his sons and his grandchildren please be so kind as to make a donation to help us raise enough money to grant one of his wishes and let him tick a few things off the bucket list and say his final goodbyes to his loved ones.

>My father has always given a lot and never asked for much so I am asking for your help please by giving a little back to this caring, loving, generous man.

>Thank you all so much,

>Rachael Morriss.

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