Ticket pricing suggestions

dimanche 22 février 2015

So much talk about this at the moment (and kudos to the HF for their sterling efforts), I thought it might be interesting to get some opinions and ideas on what stipulates fair pricing. Perhaps if SB and/or SP read this they might take some of the suggestions away with them.

Obviously utopia would be a maximum of £20 on all tickets, but you have to balance out the concepts of fair pricing and realism, whilst also rewarding loyalty and, to an extent, 'penalising' the glory hunters who are only interested when the big boys are in town.

I think most would agree that season tickets are pretty reasonable (they could perhaps come down a bit in an ideal world, or perhaps they should include up to three cup matches, or incentives for away matches), but perhaps we should stick to individual match tickets for now.

Firstly I think a £20 blanket price for away fans would be a start, but that needs reciprocation across the league.

I think there should be a more German model where there is a far greater range of pricing options - perhaps under 8s, 9-14, 15-18, 19-21, students (all ages), unwaged and adults. Give everyone a chance to attend.

I'd stick with the membership model, but scrap having to couple a B match with an A. Instead, as mentioned on another thread, make the pricing more reflective of the opponents and those likely to come - make a few games a season (WBA, Burnley, Stoke etc) say £20, and all cup games up to quarter finals a maximum of £15, but by all means charge £40, maybe even £45 for Arsenal, Chelsea etc.

It's not an exact science, but that way you reward the people who truly want to see Palace, and exploit the day-trippers and glory hunters. You will always get tourists in the Premier League - they have large disposal incomes, and being here for only one match, will likely pay almost any price.

Also, there should be a bigger sliding scale in terms of the areas of the ground. Something like this, going from cheapest to most expensive: Whitehorse, corner blocks of the AW, Holmesdale Lower, Corner blocks of the Main Stand, middle of the AW, Holmesdale Upper, middle of the Main Stand, Gallery, Stephensons, Director's Box.

It's a way of offering affordable football whilst taking the corporate dollar and maintaing revenue streams. It may be harsh on people who have sat in a certain area for a long time, but if you want the best seats in the house, surely only right you pay for it (perhaps, in terms of season tickets, prices could reflect season ticket history? Thus long-standing people in the Director's box don't pay as much as newbies?).

It may look complicated, but I don't think it needs to be or would be. There needs to be more creativity in pricing.

Have you got any ideas? It would be cool if Palace could lead the way in new pricing models.

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