Racism definition in law

mercredi 25 février 2015

I had to give a statement to the police this afternoon over someone using inappropriate language towards Muslims (to a non muslim).

The guy himself did not see that he had said anything wrong (he had) and the complainant had reported it as Racism.

I pointed out to the guy a few days after the incident that what he had said 'was inappropriate and illegal but not strictly racism' which he just could not get his head around, and did not deny using the words he was accused of using.

When the police came to take my statement I told them I had said to the bloke that it was illegal and then afterwards questioned whether I was right as IMO he was not enticing hatred.

So asked the police on what law he could be charged under, and they said that they have 3 avenues and one being (if I remember correctly) racially aggravated harassment, enticing hatred (which they also agreed was not the case here) and another subtle version of the first (which I do not remember).

I said to them, so in law Racism has a different definition as to the common definition, which they said it did.

Is this actually the case or re both The police and myself confusing Racist crime with religious crime?

Any Legal gurus want to give some clarity?

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