Video Technology MUST be introduced in football

dimanche 22 février 2015

As the title says video technology must be introduced in football.

Week in week out the standard of refereeing in this country is exposed as totally and utterly inept.

In 2015 it is embarrassing that football continues to stay in the dark ages and fail to embrace technology when pretty much every other sport has.

With all the money at stake in the game we can't continue having games decided by refereeing inadequacy. Within seconds everyone watching at home can see that a wrong decision is made, so why not sacrifice a little more time to get the right decision?! When it comes to contentious decisions the players normally surround the referee and have a long debate anyway, so you could argue that using the technology would only add a little added time at most.

The time for having a wally with a whistle and two wallies with a flag making wrong decisions and changing the outcome of games should be over.

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