Anti Social Neighbours

mardi 17 février 2015

I ask for the knowledge of the BBS. I know of a couple that have lived in a street, not in London, that have applied for a thing called a Community Trigger. It is effectivly part of a government anti social behaviour law that was made law in July 2014.

It allows anyone to raise a community trigger that has to be investigated by both their local council and police.

I am not talking about just general noise, we are talking about a family of 5 that havent worked since 2008 and rent from a private landlord who gets rental payment from the DHSS. The house they live in is basically a tip but the landlord is not going to do anything because they pay him rent and it would probably cost him more to up the property if he had to rent it again.

The anti social behaviour basically goes on all day, an Alsatian dog that is left in the garden all day barking 24/7, the kids are 18, 17 & 14 and roar up and down the road on their mopeds with no crashhelmets on and intimidating other drivers. There are on a number of occasions fights in the streets where other yobs from near by areas have come looking for fights in the early hours that have had the police turn up and make arrests. I believe there were 46 cases of anti social behaviour in the last year reported.

They are basically a scumbag family that have no interest in working or providing anything to society.

The dilemma is the community trigger has now got to the stage where it has gone to court, driven by a lot of neighbours but only the couple who raised it are willing to go to court and be seen in the witness box, as the others who backed it are scared of retribution. Now the couple who raised it are in two minds whether to push ahead with it. Personally I would carry on.

They have been told that the evidence provided is so bad that it is almost certain that the scum bags will be evicted. But what would you do in their situation press on and hope that there is no come back?

It's difficult to put into words but they have lived a nightmare for 6 years.

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