Life after Guehi & Andersen

vendredi 13 octobre 2023

I don't usually start threads, but with Andersen making noises about leaving for Champions League football and Guehi, well, just being that bloody good, I am finding myself concerned about life without them. It is surely inevitable that both leave us shortly, no?

For me, these two have been the reason for our solid start to the season in very difficult circumstances. At Old Trafford these two put in one of the best (if not the best) CB performances I had the pleasure of seeing live. The thought of life without them sends a shiver down my spine and given the well publicised struggle (for whatever reason) to strengthen key areas over a number of years, I worry about the 'R' word next season.

Am I being over the top, or do others share the same concerns? I rate Richards, but cannot put him anywhere near the other two.


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