Anyone here use a CPAP machine at night?

dimanche 29 octobre 2023

My wife was recently diagnosed as having sleep apnea after doing a sleep study. She has been given a CPAP machine to use at night, and it’s all a bit overwhelming for her at the moment.

To be honest, rather her than me! I’m not sure I could handle it. Talking to friends, family and ex-coworkers I have been surprised how many people use them… I guess it’s one of those things that people rarely admit to having to use.

I would love to know if anyone using one has any advise or words of encouragement like it’s second nature now, befits outweigh the hassle (improved sleep and well-being) etc., or did they try one and give up on it. At this time a week in of using one, my wife feels it is a life changing, for the worse, and is not a happy camper…

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