CPFC Programmes to get rid of Proceeds to CPFC DSA

samedi 8 octobre 2022


I have a large number of programmes that I want to "lose".

Not sure if anyone on here is interested but I thought that I would offer them up here first.

I will take offers either per season or for the whole lot.

All proceeds will be donated to CPFC Disabled Supporters Association.

There is also a pile of fanzines, year books, friendly programmes and away programmes to go with this.

I have provided a table below of the years from 1991/92 to 2014/15.

All good condition.

If in a local area to me, I live in Worcester Park, I will deliver. Otherwise, we might have to work out a meeting point.

I won't deliver individual years but will bring to Selhurst depending on how many years.

Football Season Number of Programmes
9192 21
9293 22
9394 12
9495 14
9596 27
9697 26
9798 17
9899 23
9900 11
0001 14
0102 21
0203 27
0304 27
0405 19
0506 26
0607 25
0708 28
0809 23
0910 26
1011 23
1112 23
1213 23
1314 19
1415 19

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