3 Weeks in Northern Thailand/Cambodia/Vietnam

lundi 10 octobre 2022

Hopefully heading to the above countries over Xmas/New Year for 3 weeks with my girlfriend.

Our initial plan is to fly in to Bangkok on 23rd/24th December and out of Hanoi on 14th January.

Looking for some tips, recommendations, things to swerve in these places please. Whether thats ways to travel, things to see, activities to do, hotels/restaurants that would be appreciated.

Other the main bits such as stop offs in Seim Reap, Phnom Penh, Ho Chi Minh, Hoi An, Hanoi overnighter in Halong Bay we're kinda open to suggestions.

Im 37 and my GF is 36 so the occasional night out is welcome, but certainly not our main priority over the 3 weeks.

Thinking to split it as follows:-
Thailand - 4/5 nights
Cambodia 6 nights
Vietnam - the remainder

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