Academy Tours

mardi 25 octobre 2022

Apologies this falls slightly between a few forums.

I've booked on to an academy tour on 11th November at 4pm. I have the allotted two tickets for myself and my daughter (aged 7). However, my 5 year old son desperately wants to come too. I asked a friend if I could use one of his but he accidentally booked on the 2pm tour. I messaged the box office to see if we could swap it but they are saying this is not possible. It's a long shot but I don't suppose anyone has an unused ticket for the 4pm or would like to swap to 2pm?

Alternatively, if anyone goes on the tour if there is any sense that they could be lenient with one extra 5 year old? The kids are at a fragile age Chelsea/Arsenal etc wise so I'm keen to cement the Palace indoctrination.

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