Age Dscrimination

dimanche 25 septembre 2022

So after taking voluntary redundancy two years ago from a job I was in for 17 years, I have been flitting between jobs for the last couple of years.Not being able to settle in has been my problem and so one job I lasted a week, another 6 months, another a month and so now find myself out of work again.

I applied for a job in retail which involves the job I have been doing for the last twenty years.After filling in the application form the manager phoned me and asked a few question amongst them was the question" Did they make you redundant because of your age?" I answered i took voluntary redundancy which I was offered and took.
He then invited me in for an interview with his departmental head and they last question he asked me " oh one thing , how old are you?"
I told him as my age and then he replied" Oh because we had been trying to guess with the woman in recruitment because of the exams i had on my C.V.

Now the two people who were recruiting me were in the room but after googling it they can only ask you on a separate equality monitoring form which the person selecting the candidate is not allowed to see.

Would I have any comeback if they did not offer me the job?

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