My brother had a stroke last week

lundi 13 juin 2022

My 87 year old brother, who lives in Brisbane had a stroke last week. I feared the worst when I got that call and news from my sister-in-law.

Amazingly, he survived but in what sort of mental state? That was on my mind of course. He was an avid Palace fan until he left for Australia around fifty years ago with his Australian wife, and ever since then we have had our regular chats on the phone in between a few face to face visits we have managed to afford over the years. The subject of Palace's performance, or lack of it, always cropped up, and so I am wondering now, whether or not, we shall ever do that again.

I had a message from my nephew in OZ (a football manager of a local team) who visited his dad, my brother on his 87th birthday a couple of days ago in the rehab ward. He told me that he didn't speak much to him, in fact he has not said much at all since his stroke, and has forgotten most of his recent life experience. It was a cool day in Brisbane (15 degrees) and my nephew was wearing his Palace scarf during the visit. Just before he left, he asked my brother if he knew what he had around his neck. He lifted and craned his head, and out came the word......"Ea....gles!"

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