A heartfelt request to you guys that understand Photo

samedi 11 juin 2022

I’m looking for a real favour here guys, but if anyone could help I’d be eternally grateful, or pay if necessary.

I’ve got a lockdown born godson whose really struggling with interacting with other kids. He’s recently discovered Andy’s Dinosaur Adventures and it’s really bringing him on socially, it’s hard to explain but he now chats away with the kids, rather than just hitting them.

His parents took him to the Natural History Museum as a surprise today, to see Andy’s Clock, along with all the exhibits and he loved it. I mean he proper loved it, apparently he’s not stopped talking about it.

The favour I’m asking for is for one of you skilled members to turn a lovely photo into an unforgettable photo.

I’m crap at this sort of thing but I was getting there after 3 hours with an Apple Pencil but then my palm did something unintentional and I lost the lot.

If anyone could sort out a natural foreground and a skyline behind the attacking dinosaur’s I’d be eternally grateful. I.E. turn it into a lifelike photo

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