Silent Cinema

dimanche 29 mars 2020

At the start of the year I decided to (re) read David Robinson's excellent Charlie Chaplin biography and work my way through every one of Chaplin's films (except the one that didn't survive, for obvious reasons).

My 4 year old daughter watched a few of them with me and really enjoyed them - particularly The Kid.

I've been a Chaplin fan for years but whilst I worked my way through his entire career I realised how little I had seen of his contempories and what else was going on the time.

So I've since started to expand my knowledge and started to work my way through a number of other silent classics. Some of which I had only seen clips of in the past, some I had seen nothing of at all.

Anyway, I've been finding it really interesting. I found a wonderful Thames TV documentary series from the 80s about silent Hollywood on YouTube. Plus a short series on European silent film by the same people (I think). Unfortunately the final episode (6) of that doesn't seem to be there and you can't buy the series anywhere.

So far I have watched three DW Griffiths shorts and Sjostrom's The Wind. A collection of Melies films on a DVD collection. The great Sunrise: A Song of 2 humans (which always comes out very high in sight and sound's greatest films of all time list.

I have a few more Blurays I was given for my recent birthday to work through.

I'm aware it's quite a niche interest but I wondered if any other BBSers have an interest in silent cinema.

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