Losing a parent.

mardi 17 mars 2020

A couple of hours after the Brighton away game, my Mum passed away and it’s really hit me for six. She had a terminal illness but somehow doesn’t make it any easier to take. She was 69.

It’s her funeral tomorrow and I’m dreading it and of course the eulogy that I’ve written. Has anyone with done a eulogy for a parent at a funeral and can recommend any words of advice?

Of course the Coronavirus is having a dreadful affect on the proceedings tomorrow as so many are scared of picking it up from someone so the attendees are dropping like flies.

My Mum met my Dad at an away game in 1972 on a club coach away to Everton and without the meet, clearly I would not be here or on the BBS. I’ve not posted since her passing as seems somehow seemed unimportant.

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