Are the Players Still Being Paid?

samedi 21 mars 2020

Sorry to be the one to ask this question, but the elephant in the room needs to be addressed.

Let's face it, they'll be no more football this year, and one or other of this or next season will surely be dropped. I'm quite convinced of this. Players commit to years, not seasons, and whether it's this season that gets jettisoned or the next one, they will want their money. I don't expect the government's 80% security on wages to cover premiership footballers, so what exactly is plan B? We all know that plan A is to fulfil this and next season, but we also know that this ain't gonna happen.

There needs to be some sort of arbitration, people need to be sitting down and thrashing out a compromise. There's a lot of talk about the premiership subsidising the lower leagues who are more reliant on gate receipts. That's going to add more strain on premiership clubs for whom most of their income goes straight onto players' wages.

Players' wages is central to the short-term survival of the game. It needs to be put onto the agenda.

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