subs and the reason chaps like myself shout so loudly

samedi 7 avril 2018

during the Iceland game in the 2016 EC we were 1-2 down to a team that had outdone us by rolling their sleeves up and adopting the very work ethic that had been the cornerstone for success for British clubs and the national team in many years( the 1966 WC) especially with things like a long throw, generally getting stuck in and using a direct style of football, enter Marcus Rashford, he simply needed to be introduced at half time in that game, we could have played all night long with that starting 11 and I dont think we would have scored, Rooney and Sterling were so bereft of form they resembled no more than Sunday morning pub players, 99.9% of the fans in the stadium that night must have screamed themselves hoarse at the idiot in charge to bring Rashford on, likewise I'm sure the many millions at home would have being screaming at their TV sets similarly to bring Rashford on, yet what did the idiot do? he brought Rashford on in injury time? why doesn't the clown ever listen? why do mere mortals like me have to suffer unimaginable abuse from fellow posters just because I vent a subjective opinion that might dare disagree with the status quo? why are we seeing history repeating itself at the club of my birth when I thought in all honesty there wouldn't have been a club in the world that would have touched the clown with a barge pole after the 2016 EC, I just understand it, I'm sorry is it a lot to ask? I expect and demand so much better

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