Alfie Evans

samedi 28 avril 2018


So sad.

I wont claim to know all the ins and outs or the legal arguments in this case, but I can only draw on my own experience of having a child with special needs, and encountering the incredible arrogance that many professionals have when they feel their authority and knowledge is questioned by parents.

Instead of embracing and accepting the knowledge the parents bring to the table, and creating an environment where both professional opinion and the parents opinion are respected so everyone works together for a common cause, my own personal experience says that authorities stoop as low as is neccessary in an attempt to silence the voice of the parents, when disagreements exist.

In my own case this primarily involved Education and Social services, but also the health professionals. In the case of my son, I even saw the minutes from a multidisciplinary meeting, that we were never invited to, or even knew of it existence *****il I requested his medical records) that was critical of myself and my ex wife, in a totally imappropriate condescending and arrogant manner. All it did was create suspicion in our minds and to be less trusting of them.

Are their others on here who have had to pit their wits against powerful authority in trying to achieve the best for their child, and wish that their voice is had been both listened to and given the respect it deserved?

I cannot help but feel if the parents in this sad case, had been respected and listened to, it would never have become the high profile case it has.

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