Service Charge Vs Council Tax

mardi 24 avril 2018


Has anyone had any experience or are currently in a situation where they are paying a Service Charge for their development which includes a range of services such as landscape gardening, refuse collection, management of parks & community center and the street lighting are but a few, but are then also required to pay a large sum of council tax every month covering similar services?

I feel that I am being double charged for services from the Management Company & The Council themselves. That is outside of the ridiculous charges I have from the Management company such as Communal Phone (Never seen it), A Commercial Office Building (Rented by private businesses paying a monthly sum) and Reptile Tunnels (I live in Kent!:confused:)

I don't know where I stand with regards to challenging either entity and thought I'd draw on the many years of life experience on the BBS to get some advice on how best to move forward?

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