DJ Discussion

mardi 3 avril 2018

Now I have been playing music at gigs and events for several years now and have been quite happy doing stuff "on the fly" using just a laptop and a software I learnt on whilst being a radio presenter.

I recently acquired a digital deck system (A Numark) which i am having fun with doing parties etc. I have also decided to specialise in genres that I like and am familiar with, this means I am very good at ska, reggae, soul and funk and 70-80´s pop (:D) however, I would like to step it up a bit and offer my services out to do "sets" at festivals etc. I am already doing one at an event I arrange all the music for in the summer, which will be a soul session during the day and then a funk and reggae party session in the evening....which leads me to a question.

Do you DJ´s out there formulate a set in advance, with allowances for change according to audience reaction, or do you (as I do) just go where the music leads you without much planning?

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