4-4-2 and Zaha up front, or Zaha on the wing?

vendredi 20 avril 2018

I have long argued that Zaha should be played further forward, and that he was wasted out wide on the wing, and with defensive responsibilities. I believe he is far too good for that, as he has the ability to really hurt teams when in the attacking third. I was shouted down.

However, starting with Big Sam we have now had 3 successive managers who have looked to play him up front: Big Sam started it and to good effect, with the wins away at Bournemouth and Chelsea that spring to mind. FdB has been clear that Zaha up front was always his plan, and now Roy seems to have decided that Zaha up front for the majority of games is a good idea. We have seen his end product improve month on month and he scored his first Premier League double last weekend. So, I'm now interested to know, would people still like him to play on the wing, or are people now converted to the idea of him up front?

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