Deviant (allegedly) Damian Green

vendredi 1 décembre 2017

Desperate Damian is a porno addict then, according to a Police source

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A former Scotland Yard detective has told BBC News he was "shocked" by the amount of pornography viewed on a computer seized from the Commons office of senior Tory MP Damian Green.
Neil Lewis examined the device during a 2008 inquiry into government leaks and has not spoken publicly before.
He said "thousands" of thumbnail images of legal pornography were on it.
Only he's stupid enough not only to do it all day everyday at work but also doesn't seem to know what incognito mode is :D

Another tory in a dirty scandal, another embarrassing mess for May to excuse. How does this sit with the OAP voter core? What is 'legal' porno exactly anyway? Is that just the soft stuff?

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