Top 10 Defining Gaming Moments.

dimanche 4 juin 2017

1. Pong. The daddy.

2. Space Invaders. So popular that Japan run out of coins for it.

3. Super Mario World. The best 2D platformer ever and yet to be bested.

4 Super Mario 64. 3D gaming at its best. For the time.

5.Metal Gear Solid. Arguably The PlayStation's greatest game. Stealth at its best.

6. A Link To The Past. The SNES at its finest.

7. Zelda. Ocarina of Time. Nuff said.

8. Wave Race 64. I love arcade racers and this is the best in my opinion.

9. Ridge Racer. Jap import only. I can still hear the theme music now. An arcade racer in your home.

10. Not a game as such but worthy of a top 10 place once you've experienced it...Rogue One VR on PSVR. Shooting Tie Fighters and looking behind you to see an R2 unit is a gaming experience I will never forget.

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