Advice on buying a season ticket

vendredi 23 juin 2017

OK, so I was a season ticket holder for a number of seasons many moons ago (think Bruce Dyer, Matt Jansen, Lombardo era,) and have attended sporadically ever since.

However over the last few days, i've been seriously considering buying one again. It's got to the point now where i'm pretty sure i'm going to bite the bullet and get one but seeing as i've left it so late there's limited availability left and i'm hoping for some advice on where to get one.

Lower Holmesdale - Usually my preferred choice as atmosphere, view, facilities are all good and it's obviously cheaper than many other areas. However the only seats left are either well to the sides of the stand or right down to the front meaning the views probably aren't great.

Upper Holmesdale - Again not great availabilty but there are a few seats in block R, well towards the back that look like viable options. One of the more expensive options left but obviously facilities are good so don't mind paying a bit more. What is the view like from the back of the Upper?

Main Stand - No availability so that rules this one out.

Arthur Wait - Mid range pricing and pretty good availability so the views will be good but am put off by the shocking facilities in the stand.

Whitehorse - Good prices and fairly good availability. From what I remember the facilities are ok. It's the family stand but since we've stopped conceding stoppage time goals on a regular basis my ability to refrain from shouting obsenities has greatly improved so that shouldn't be an issue! :D

A couple more points to consider:

-I'll be going by myself so i'm not sure if that should factor into my final decision.

-I'll be travelling from Taunton every game. This will probably involve getting a coach to London (to save money,) then a train to the ground and obviously the reverse on the way back. Has anyone had any experience of making long journeys to every home game? (I shouldn't complain, my dad used to travel from Kent to Sunderland where he had a season ticket so my journey should be a doddle in comparison!)

-I'm hoping to take my son (who's 4,) to a couple of games this season (need to get him into the Palace way of life before he gets his head turned by the glory hunters when he starts school!) If there's no availability around my season ticket, how easy is it to move seats for one game? Is it even posssible or would I have to just buy 2 new tickets for that particular game in another area where there's availability?

Thanks for taking the time for reading this post, I know it's quite long winded!!!

TL;DR Thinking of getting a season ticket. Where should I sit?

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