Qatar, are they being scapegoated.

mardi 6 juin 2017

Apologies for raising yet another "Troubles" thread, but bring this issue up in one of the existing threads and you raise the prospect of being accused of going off topic.

It's hard to work out whats going on over there, except for talking in old cliches and stereotypes, then you run the risk of being called racist.

However I'm fairly sure the Qatar issue is a case of blame shifting, muddying water, complicating issues because the heat was on the real perpetrators of spreading Islamic Fascism.

I'm appalled that the US has got back into bed with the Saudis to the point of despair, then they go and arm them, which is basically just a feed line to ISIS.

Not sure where we go for this, but it feels like a downward spiral to me.

Question if it is the Saudis that are behind this ISIS caper, then should Europe and Britain change it's alligiance in a political and military sense closer to home and behind the Russians..... Just on this Middle East issue I mean... but really should the UK and Europe do this ?

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