Damage to neighbour's fence post

lundi 19 juin 2017

Hello All,

I have a building and/or legal question. I had some groundworks done and the builder must have knocked a concrete fence post with digger, as it is cracked and broken on the other side. From my side it is basically not visible, so wasn't noticed at the time.

The neighbour emailed asking for it to be repaired, using a specific fencing company (I suspect they might be friends of his - but don't know). My own builder, being very decent thus far, offered to come around and fix it this week.

The neighbour refused, demanding that a contractor of his choice is used. He said he will get a quote from them. If he was more reasonable, I suspect this could be resolved easily, but that looks unlikely. He has a history of being....a jobs worth type if you catch my rhyming slang gist....

So what happens now? It seems unfair he can dictate to me that I pay a set amount, when this could be fixed for free. It is not a complex job to replace a fence post. Does he have to claim against the builder's PI insurance? do I? Do I pay him on my house insurance?

Any advice from people who may know or have expertise would be appreciated.

Cheers chaps.

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